FBSM by Gretchen in Santa Rosa, CA
Full Body Sensual Massage
Something You Should Know
Something You Should Know
I’ve been seeing clients in this location for over fifteen years, in perfect safety. This safety is possible only because I've become very good at keeping a secret. If I were indiscreet with clients' identifying information, I couldn't have stayed here.
​Every new client who wants to see me is going to be screened. No exceptions. I do this for my safety, because you would be coming into my home. I do not keep clients' identifiers, and I do not reveal those identifiers to anyone.
I hope you can understand that my professionalism is a protection for you too. I want to pay attention to someone I can trust, and who trusts me in return. ​
We will be honoring each other that way.
I will ask you for screening information when you call me. At minimum, I need your real first and last name, and a phone number that is listed in that name. If you are unwilling to identify yourself, do not bother contacting me.
I value my clients so much! And I know you want to see a safe, secure, happy woman like me.